[Tutor] Thank you. Was: Re: problem reading script

Lisi lisi.reisz at gmail.com
Fri Jul 1 23:22:31 CEST 2011

Thank you all for such a lot of very helpful replies.  I have been looking 
through the recommended fonts and am pleasantly surprised by how clear, 
legible and well differentiated some of them are.

I have been using Bitstream Vera Sans Mono in KWrite, which gives me all the 
colours and spacing and is very easy to read, but Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, 
like Bitstream Vera Sans itself, does not distinguish well between I and l, 
nor between '' and " (which are in fact different, but the difference is 
noticeable only if you juxtapose them).

I have already installed Inconsolata because there turned out to be a Debian 
package for it, so it took less than a minute to search for it - yes, it was 
there - and install it.  And I have set KWrite to use it.

Sadly, I am tied up all day tomorrow (it is late on Friday here) so I'll look 
into the other fonts on Sunday and work through the rest of your advice.

I might even end up being able to code in Python - but if I do it will be 
because you have all hauled me over the fences.


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