[Tutor] Class Docs - how much is too much?

Emile van Sebille emile at fenx.com
Wed Jan 26 21:38:30 CET 2011

On 1/26/2011 11:03 AM Tim Johnson said...
> FYI: I'm currently using version 2.6.5
> I've developed a module which necessitates a very large amount of
> documentation. At this point all of the documentation is in the
> class docstring. I'm thinking that perhaps I should pare down the
> docstring and deliver specific documentation topics with object
> methods. Example:
> ## Instantiation examples
> o.intialize()
> ## configuration code to copy and paste into file
> o.configuration()
> ## Internal processes
> o.internals()
> ## ... etc.
> ## Docstring would include instructions for implementing such
> ## methods.
> :) Perhaps there is a PEP for this and a link to such a PEP would
> suffice.

Yep -- google python pep docstring and you get



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