[Tutor] no luck with sqlinsert

Steve Willoughby steve at alchemy.com
Fri Jan 14 18:16:34 CET 2011

On 14-Jan-11 09:03, Jason Staudenmayer wrote:
> Don't build you sql separate from the execute (or so I was told when I
> was doing something similar)
> cur.execute(INSERT INTO tkindbtal (kommune, komnr, i2005, i2006, i2007 \
> , i2008, i2009, i2010) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,\
> %s, %s)% (cols[0], cols[1], int(cols[2]), int(cols[3]), int(cols[4]), \
> int(cols[5]), int(cols[6]), int(cols[7]))

It's generally bad practice to simply paste string values together to 
include values into SQL, such as the code above (using % formatting).

You need to properly escape the data strings.  Most SQL interfaces in 
Python offer methods for this, either as individual string operation or 
by allowing "place holder" values in the SQL query which discrete values 
are then added to as separate arguments (so the SQL library escapes them 
for you automatically).

The danger is if the data strings include SQL syntax like quotes or 
whatever, it can invalidate your SQL query, making it fail.  A malicious 
user who can feed you those data values can deliberately design them to 
actually do whatever they want to your database.

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