[Tutor] print "Hello, World!"

Doug Marvel smokeinourlights at gmail.com
Thu Feb 3 03:00:47 CET 2011

Hey folks,

I'm Doug. I've been using computers since second grade, and I know a
little about them. I am, however, completely new to programming. I
don't even know what I know about it. I'd like some social interaction
with this, but I can't go back to school until summer or fall of this
year. I don't want to wait to start learning this as I feel like I'm
already about a million years behind. I asked the Oracle
(www.google.com) and after messing around with the Python Shell and
getting a lot of error messages, I decided I need some remote help.
Here's where I'm at:

- I have downloaded and installed Python 2.6.4. Successfully, I think.
- I am running Windows XP SP3 (though I'm going to see if I can do
this on my laptop, which has Windows 7)
- I have toyed around with some tutorials, but all they really taught
me is that I need a teacher.

I'm sure you guys are busy, but I read that the most basic questions
are okay. As I'm sure there is at least one good resource on the net
for people in my position, I'd like some suggestions on where to
start. I plan on bothering you all as little as possible, but I am
seriously hoping to make real progress between now and my first class.
I have a feeling once I get a basic understanding, I'll run away with
it. It's just very... big right now. So this list seems like a good
thing, but tell me if I'm in the wrong place.

I am hoping for a link to a somewhat comprehensive online resource
that explains from the beginning in English, plain English, as this is
the only language I speak. Something to get my foot in the door would
be awesome.

Doug Marvel

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