Stayvoid stayvoid at gmail.com
Fri Dec 30 14:11:17 CET 2011

>You don't have any option.
>You either type in the full path or you get the user to tell you
>in some way - either with a prompt or via an input argument.

OK, now I get it.

How can I tell this to the end-user?
Should I write a README file or what?

I've tried to run lengthcounter_lutz from the file's folder and this worked out.
cd /Users/Username/Python_modules/
python /Users/Username/Python_modules/lengthcounter_lutz.py
('Lines:', 12, 'Chars:', 285)

But I can't understand what's wrong with the second one:
def countLines(name):
    file = open(name.__file__)
    return len(file.readlines())

def countChars(name):
    return len(open(name.__file__).read())

def test(name):
    return "Lines:", countLines(name), "Chars:", countChars(name)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import lengthcounter
    print test(lengthcounter)

>>> import lengthcounter
>>> lengthcounter.test(lengthcounter)
('Lines:', 5, 'Chars:', 885)

That PYTHONPATH variable has no connection with the mess above. When
should I use it?

Thanks for your help.

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