[Tutor] Installing Python and modules

Jugurtha Hadjar jugurtha.hadjar at gmail.com
Mon Dec 19 10:19:38 CET 2011

On 15/12/2011 01:28, Sean Baumgarten wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm wondering if someone could walk me step-by-step through installing 
> Python and some third-party modules. I've never used Python or other 
> programming languages before, but I'm just trying to install it so I 
> can run a simple script. I'm running Mac OSX 10.6.8.

Hello Sean,

Installing Python shouldn't be a problem .. I found it more complicated 
to subscribe to this mailing list than to install it :)   ..

I think it comes with most of what you need in a single package. I 
needed recently pyWin, and I downloaded it from Sourceforge.

I'll walk in your shoes for a bit (Although I'm on Windows XP 5.1.2600 & 
Python 3.2)

I searched for the term Numpy on Google. The first site it returned was 

I clicked on Download, I landed on http://new.scipy.org/download.html.

I opened two links in new tabs : "SourceForge site for Numpy" & 
"SourceForge site for Scipy"




"Looking for the latest version? *Download 
numpy-1.6.1-win32-superpack-python2.6.exe (6.0 MB) 

*Looking for the latest version? *Download 
scipy-0.10.0-win32-superpack-python2.6.exe (46.0 MB) 
<http://sourceforge.net/projects/scipy/files/latest/download?source=files> *
*You click on the links (I think the site is OS aware, so you'll 
probably be given a link for a "dmg" or something if you're on a mac)

I see the "python2.6" at the end, I guess it won't work but I'll test 
for the sake of being certain nevertheless.

I click on the numpy-1.6.1 because it's smaller and to test quickly.. 
(I'm typing as I'm doing, so do some "nop"s while you wait :) )

I launch the installation  of  numpy-1.6.1 and it says "Python version 
2.6 required, which was not found in the registry" in a dialog box 
titled "Cannot install".

I Google "nympy python 3.2" .. The second link seems interesting


The guy posting the question was advised to stick with Python 2.6 or 2.7 
and given a link for the FAQ


I don't know which version of Python you're using.

~Jugurtha Hadjar,

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