[Tutor] unsupported operand

bodsda at googlemail.com bodsda at googlemail.com
Sat Dec 17 23:11:34 CET 2011

I would suggest a few things, like variable naming style consistency or the unused file that you open and close. You also have an unused lw variable, and does dpi really need to be a variable? Its only used once, why not hard code it.

But the main thing I suggest, is posting the 'complete' traceback, so we can see what caused the error. I'm gonna take a wild guess at it being the pyplot.plot call though, due to the data types that its moaning about.

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-----Original Message-----
From: stm atoc <stm.at.oc at googlemail.com>
Sender: tutor-bounces+bodsda=googlemail.com at python.org
Date: Sat, 17 Dec 2011 21:30:17 
To: tutor<Tutor at python.org>
Subject: [Tutor] unsupported operand

Hi there,

I would like to define concentration array based on time and then plot it.
Here is the profile:

from pylab import *
import numpy
import array
import math
t      = 1.
N = 100
Conc1 = arange([0, tmax])

lw = 2.0 #linewidth
dpi = 96
pyplot.plot(Conc1, t,'r-',label='Conc' )

and this is the error that I got:

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'list' and 'int'

What would you suggest?
Thank you,
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