[Tutor] reset password program

Dave Angel d at davea.name
Fri Dec 16 23:13:04 CET 2011

On 12/16/2011 05:02 PM, ADRIAN KELLY wrote:
> Hi guys,
> i created a program that allows users to login using a password that i set at the top of the program.
> Among other things users are given the option to change their password.  My questions is;
> Is it possible for me to make this new password stick, in other words when they shut down and
> log in again i am back to the original password.....the new password only works while the programming
> is running.  I know why this is happening, what i don't know is what to do about it.
> I am new to python and programming so if you have any ideas...
> please keep them simple.
> thanks all,
> adrian 		 	   		
Nothing in Python objects is persistent.  If you want something to 
survive till the next run, you have to write it to something external, 
such as a file.

If this is a serious program, with important passwords, you'll want to 
encrypt the file.  If it's just casual, encode the file in some obscure 
way.  But if it's a class assignment, then save it in a text file, in a 
directory you'll be able to find next time.

That last point is important.  The program directory may be read-only to 
that user.  So you might not be able to store it there.  One approach is 
to save it in the user's home directory,    so for me, it might be   
/home/davea    Convention is to start it with a leading period, so that 
the ls command won't show it by default.  Another question is whether 
you want a different password per user, and if you might have more than 
one user logged into your machine at the same time.

Hope this helped,



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