[Tutor] return, why do I need it?

bodsda at googlemail.com bodsda at googlemail.com
Sun Dec 11 15:56:10 CET 2011

Why unindent functions for testing? 

Challenge: write a function called myadd(one, two) that accepts 2 parameters, both will be ints. When the function is called, it should add both parameters together.

It should allow me to do this:

a = myadd(5, 10)
a += myadd(10, 5)

a == 30

Hopefully that shows one usage of return values

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

-----Original Message-----
From: "Pete O'Connell" <pedrooconnell at gmail.com>
Sender: tutor-bounces+bodsda=googlemail.com at python.org
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 01:08:47 
To: <Tutor at python.org>
Subject: [Tutor] return, why do I need it?

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