[Tutor] attribute overwrite

rail shafigulin rail.shafigulin at gmail.com
Fri Dec 9 22:43:40 CET 2011

i need to overwrite and attribute from the inherited class. i also need to
run the constructor of the super class. here is the code

import datetime

class DateTime(datetime.datetime):
  def __init__(self, year, month, day, *args):
    super().__init__(year, month, day, *args)
    if self.year >= 1000:
      self.year = self.year % 1000

i'm getting the following error:
AttributeError: attribute 'year' of datetime.datetime objects are not

some of you might suggest to change

self.year = self.year % 1000
self.yr = self.year % 1000

but i'd need to keep the name the same.

any help is appreciated.
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