[Tutor] beginner here

Do youknow who mrsannman at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 8 02:17:19 CET 2011

Im trying to write this program where i make it flip a coin 100 times then tells me the number of heads and tails it came up with.
this is what I got but it does not run
# Coin Flip
# Demonstrating the While loop
import random
print("I will flip a coin 100 times and tell you")
print(", how many heads and how many tails I got.")
coin_rolls = random.randint(1,2)
heads = 0
tails = 0
rolls = 0
if rolls <= 100:
    rolls += 1
elif coin_rolls == 1:
    heads += 1
elif coin_rolls == 2:
    tails += 1
print("There was ", heads, "rolls for heads,")
print("\nand there was ", tails, " rolls for tails.")
input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")

I end up with 0 rolls for heads and 0 rolls for tails...I have made attempts to put the 
"coin_rolls = random.randint(1,2)" within the loops but only end up with errors
what wrong with my code?
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