[Tutor] unable to run file though dir path included

Dave Angel d at davea.name
Wed Dec 7 00:13:52 CET 2011

On 12/06/2011 01:57 PM, surya k wrote:
> I have included the path directory of the file but still I couldn't run it!.
> 1. I created a .pth file and wrote all required path list's and saved in "site-packages" of python dir.( python\Lib\Site-packages).
> 2. I also included python path ( c:\python27\) in system path so as to run it using command prompt.
> Now when I use this command to run a file "foo.py" at command prompt ( run>cmd )
> command: "python foo.py".. it isn't running.
> The following error is shown.
> " python: can't open file 'foo': [ Errno 2] no such file or directory".
> What should I do?
> But the following command didn't give me an error in python shell
> " import foo" 		 	   		
When you're at a cmd prompt, the current directory can be very 
important.   The cmd shell will search the PATH for the exe 
(python.exe), but nobody does a search for the script file.  So if it's 
not the current directory, you'll have to either:

1) cd to the proper place
2) use a path specification to the file.  At this point, it's just a 
regular filename, and you follow Windows rules to specify its path.

Imports are entirely different.  They follow search path rules, and do 
not need (are not permitted) a .py extension.



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