[Tutor] unable to run file though dir path included

surya k suryak at live.com
Tue Dec 6 19:57:30 CET 2011

I have included the path directory of the file but still I couldn't run it!.
1. I created a .pth file and wrote all required path list's and saved in "site-packages" of python dir.( python\Lib\Site-packages).
2. I also included python path ( c:\python27\) in system path so as to run it using command prompt.
Now when I use this command to run a file "foo.py" at command prompt ( run>cmd )
command: "python foo.py".. it isn't running.
The following error is shown.
" python: can't open file 'foo': [ Errno 2] no such file or directory".

What should I do?
But the following command didn't give me an error in python shell
" import foo" 		 	   		  
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