[Tutor] Need help adding a funcation

Andreas Perstinger andreas.perstinger at gmx.net
Fri Dec 2 10:55:16 CET 2011

On 2011-12-02 08:22, Michael Hall wrote:
> I am still not understanding what it is I am being asked to do.

Ok, forget about your working program and just concentrate on question 1a):

 > # a) write a function, getDivisors(), that returns a list of all
 > # of the positive divisors of a given number. for example -
 > # result = getDivisors(24)
 > # print(result)
 > # would yield: "[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12]"

I suppose you know how functions and lists works, do you?
You have to write a function named "getDivisors" which takes one 
argument (a number) and returns a list. Nothing more, nothing less.

You started right with the line

def getDivisors(num):

but in all your attempts you have never returned a value. Do you know 
how a function can return something?

In your case you have to return a list. Therefore you have to build this 
list inside the function. You don't need to print the values or 
calculate a sum, just add every divisor to the list. I'm sure you have 
learned already how lists works, haven't you?

If you have problems understanding functions and lists, you should 
re-read these parts in your learning material or in the online tutorial:

> I am asking if you are given the following question how would you
> write the program.

Sorry, we won't write the program for you. You have to do it yourself. 
We will just try to give you some hints - if you carefully read the 
links I've mentioned you'll find an example which comes close to yours :-).

Bye, Andreas

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