[Tutor] cPickle and shjelving

Warren P. Jones WPJones at ewation.co.za
Wed Aug 24 11:26:38 CEST 2011


I am new to python. I am having slight issue in using the cPickle and shelving function.

Here is what i want the program need to do:

Open an file with employees in it with relevant information like: employee number, surname and department. I also need to add an employee with the relevant information without rewriting the current data.

I have tried the code but not completely sure what i am doing wrong.

Here is the code that i tried:

# Defines

    pickle_file = shelve.open("empl.dat")
           print "Add new Employee"
           employee_num = raw_input("\nEmployee number: ")
           surname = raw_input("Surname: ")
           name = raw_input("Name: ")
           department = raw_input("Department: ")

           #    Storing DATA      #

           cPickles.dump(employee_num, emp1.dat)

           print key, "-",pickles[key]
           pickles.sync () # Makes sure date is written

Can you please help me in solving this issue?

Kind regards
Warren  Jones


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