[Tutor] How do I learn python for web development

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Mon Aug 1 01:05:20 CEST 2011

abdulhakim haliru wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I am really interested in switching from PHP to python 
 > but there don't appear to be a book for such.

I don;t know of any books expressly for converting from PHP to P{ython 
web development but there is a lot of documentation on Python web 
development, plus several different frameworks to choose from.

I've used TurboGears, and played with Django and Zope.

There are dead tree books on all three, the most popular
seems to be Django.

There are other, simpler frameworks too like Pylons and CherryPy.
Take a look at them, they all do pretty much the same things and
all are easier to use than traditional CGI, although Python
supports that too of course.


Alan G.

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