[Tutor] Assistance

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sun Apr 24 17:38:41 CEST 2011

"Krystal Brosz" <daisyk82 at gmail.com> wrote

> i'm struggling with a program, i feel like i am really close to 
> getting it

You are not far away but you have a few little
problems to fix.

> but i cannot find a way to use the target variables inside of a 
> loop:

I have no idea what you mean by "target variables".
There are no variables in the code called 'target' and
I don't understand what target you mean?

> def main():
>    gradesEntered = 0
>    score = 0
>    numberOfGrades = 0
>    numberOfGrades = int(raw_input("Please enter the number of 
> grades:" ))
> #Begin a 'for' loop to enter each score

The comment is confusing because you actually enter a while loop.
Inaccurate comments are worse than no comments at all!

>    while numberOfGrades != gradesEntered:
>        grade = int(raw_input("Please enter the grade:" ))
>        gradesEntered += 1
>        score =+ grade

Note that += and =+ do different things. I suspect this last line is
not doing what you think. Details like this are very important in
programming, especially since both forms are valid code, they
just do different things!

>        grade = [numberOfGrades]

And I don't know what you think this is doing but it is in fact
overwriting the value of grade that the user entered with a list
of one element, numberOfGrades. You then throw this away
the next time round the loop.

>    for i in range (numberOfGrades):
>        grade.append(i)
>        print determine_grade(grade,i)

Now you append i to the list containing numberOfGrades....

So if the user said they would have 3 grades you wind up
with grade being equal to


Which is almost certainly not what you want?
You also pass this list to determine_grade which
expects a number rather than a list so will always
print an error I suspect. Although I'd also expect it to
throw an NameError exception since result will not be defined...
Are you sure this is the actual code you are running?

> #get the grade letter for scores
>    print "the total number of grades entered are:", score
>    print "The average of the scores is:", calc_average
>    print "The number of grades entered is:", gradesEntered

So ths prints the value of yourt last grade multiplied by  +1
followed by a calc_average which is not actually set
anwthere in your code. It then prints gradesEntered
which should be the same as numberOfGrades.

> def determine_grade(grade,i):

I'm not sure why you have i in the parameter list?
You don't do anything with it.

>        if grade >= 90 and grade <= 100:
>              result = 'Your grade is A'
>        elif grade >=80 and grade <= 89:
>              result = 'Your grade is B'
>        elif grade >= 70 and grade <= 79:
>              result = 'Your grade is C'
>        elif grade >=60 and grade <= 69:
>              result = 'Your grade is D'
>        elif grade < 60:
>              result = 'Your grade is F'
>        else:
>            print 'Error: Invalid grade.'
>        return result

If you reach the last 'else', result will not have been
assigned and yet, you try to return it. I'd expect
that to throw an error.


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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