[Tutor] python timers

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sat Apr 23 09:53:55 CEST 2011

"Brad Desautels" <outsideme99 at live.com> wrote

> Hello, my name is Brad and I am a student at  Suny Plattsburgh. and 
> Python
> programming is a course I am taking this semester.

Hi, Welcome to the list.

It will help in future if you do NOT reply to an existing message
to start a new discussion. Doing so causes your message to
appear inside a thread on many mail/news readers and so it
is less likely to be seen. It also esults in a single thread
combining two subjects which makes it harder to find stuff
in the archives later.

So please start a new thread with a new message and
a new subject line.

> are currently in chapter 8 but some of the basics have not 
> completely sunk
> in yet.

Feel free to ask questions here. We will not do your
homework for you but we will offer explanations of things
you don't understand and give hints on how to address
different problems. But we do expect you to tell us what
you have tried yourself first and to be specific about
what you ask.

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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