[Tutor] Converting files

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Mon Apr 11 22:48:18 CEST 2011

"sunil tech" <sunil.techspk at gmail.com> wrote

> is there any way to convert any file (eg: document files & image 
> files) to
> .pdf?
> if so, kindly share...

Install a PDF print driver and then print the file to that printer.
Set it to save as a file. Then if its printable you can get it as a 

You can do the same with postscript(and postscript drivers
come with most OS). Then send the postscript file to Adobe's
web site to get them to generate the PDF from postscript.
(You can also download free convertors)

Finally, and because this is a Python list,  you could use a
Python library and generate the file yourself - but while thats
ok for your own data its a lot harder for many file types!


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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