[Tutor] Sound question

col speed ajarncolin at gmail.com
Fri Apr 8 11:44:56 CEST 2011

On 8 April 2011 15:54, Jan Erik Moström <lists at mostrom.pp.se> wrote:

> Hi,
> A couple of my students need to be able to play sounds, controlling start &
> stop, play sound from files and if possible generate sinus wave sounds.
> I looked around and found several packages but they all seem to have some
> kind platform restrictions. Does anyone have recommendations for what
> packages to use? I would prefer some cross-platform package for at least
> Windows and Mac but unix/linux would be a plus.
> I assume that winsound is the recommended package for Windows only (I'm a
> Mac person so I don't really know myself)
> - jem
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Personally, I've found pygame great for playing sounds.

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