[Tutor] (sqlite3) Testing if a table has been created.

michael scott jigenbakuda at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 6 16:06:58 CEST 2011

From: Joel Goldstick <joel.goldstick at gmail.com>
To: michael scott <jigenbakuda at yahoo.com>
Cc: tutor at python.org
Sent: Wed, April 6, 2011 8:30:17 AM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] (sqlite3) Testing if a table has been created.

On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 9:59 PM, michael scott <jigenbakuda at yahoo.com> wrote:

Hello guys,
>Since sqlite gives an error if you try to create a table that's already there, 
>how do I test if a table is already present?
>for example in
>def database(info):
>    import sqlite3
>    connection = sqlite3.connect("test.db")
>    cursor = connection.cursor()
>    if table not in test.db: #with this being my test that I'm not sure how to 
>        cursor.execute(""" CREATE TABLE stuff (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name 
>    cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO stuff VALUES (null, ?)""",(info))
>    cursor.commit()
>    cursor.close()
>    connection.close()
>How would  I properly test  if table not in test.db: ? Is it something as simple 
>as having a method of cursor check it for me, or should I just create my table 
>in the beginning of my code(outside of this function) and leave it out of the 
>function all together, so I can just have my function focusing on inserting 
>Uhm, in the immediate example I'm using, this is a function, thats inside of a 
>function used by a tkinter button, a save button if you will. So I want it to 
>save whatever is in the entry widget to the database. Keeping this in mind, am I 
>going about it the wrong way? Should I be trying to save a different way?
>What is it about you... that intrigues me so?
>Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at python.org
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Is this really a python tutor question?  Oh, well, try this: 

Joel Goldstick

My apologies, I was not aware that there were questions I could and could not 
ask. I understand now that this is an unnacceptible question. But could you tell 
me why? Was it too simple in nature? Too difficult? Did I violate some rule in 
my question formatting?  This was not homework or anything like that. I went 
back to the tutor website to make sure I did not blatantly break one of the 
rules. I only found this regarding participation.

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So that I can avoid posting questions that don't belong on the tutor list, or so 
I can have a clearer picture of what a python tutor question is, could someone 
please help me?
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