[Tutor] Runnig a windows.exe from python

Susana Iraiis Delgado Rodriguez susana.delgado_s at utzmg.edu.mx
Wed Sep 29 21:49:53 CEST 2010

Hello everyone:

I'm working in a simple python module to run a external command, this
command is named "ogr2ogr.exe" . When I execute my python script :

*import os
def call():
     os.system(' "C:\\Archivos de programa\\FWTools2.4.7\\bin\\ogr2ogr.exe"
*     raw_input()*
It runs, but if I want to enter arguments: *ogr2ogr*  to test my .exe, it
shows me an error *"ogr2ogr is not define", *any suggestion?
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