[Tutor] Problems install Python

Evert Rol evert.rol at gmail.com
Wed Sep 29 11:25:37 CEST 2010

> I had just download PeGreSQL, unzip and installed it, but I have a problem such as:
> phuongpnh at ubuntu:~/PyGreSQL-4.0$ python setup.py build
> sh: pg_config: not found
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "setup.py", line 94, in <module>
>     pg_include_dir = pg_config('includedir')
>   File "setup.py", line 56, in pg_config
>     raise Exception("pg_config tool is not available.")
> Exception: pg_config tool is not available.
> I do not know this errors. Could you help me, please? I can not install it right now.

Have you installed Postgresql? You probaby need the development package for that.
Pygresql depends on Postgresql, and if you install from source as here, you probably need the Postgresql development stuff.

But since you're on Ubuntu, can't you just install Pygresql through a package manager? That would take care of everything.


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