[Tutor] filling 2d array with zeros

Alex Hall mehgcap at gmail.com
Tue Sep 28 03:56:33 CEST 2010

On 9/27/10, Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info> wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Sep 2010 06:00:41 am Alex Hall wrote:
>> > [ [0]*3 ]*4 behaves the same way. There's no problem in the inner
>> > list, but the outer list doesn't make four copies of [0,0,0], it
>> > has *one* list repeated four times. Modify one, modify them all.
>> That makes sense. Basically, the * operator in this case acts as a
>> copying command. For simple data types this is fine, but throw in a
>> complex type, in this case a list (though I expect that any object
>> would do this) and you are just doing what Python does to copy
>> objects: copying the memory location, not making a deep copy and
>> getting a duplicate object. I never would have thought of that.
>> Thanks again for the great explanation!
> No, be careful about your terminology. I get that you understand what is
> going on, but you're saying it wrong. The * operator doesn't make
> copies. I know it's tempting to say it does, sometimes I catch myself
> saying so myself, but what Python is doing is making multiple
> references to the same object. The object is not copied.
Yes; the object stays put, the object's memory location (pointer) is
copied. I have just enough c++ and theory to get this, and enough to
be scared of it and very thankful that Python deals with it for me
instead of me needing all those ampersand and star operators in front
of variables... That was a nightmare, and I came running back to my
high-level languages in a hurry. :)
> It may be easier if you think about the underlying C implementation
> (under the hood, in the engine) rather than the Python level. At the
> Python level, objects can be in multiple places at once. Objects like
> lists can even be inside themselves:
>>>> L = []
>>>> L.append(L)
> If you've watched Doctor Who as a child, and seen his TARDIS (which of
> course is bigger on the inside than the outside) land inside itself,
> such strange loops won't hold any fear for you at all :)
> But at the C level, Python doesn't make copies of any object unless
> necessary. The *name* L is a pointer to the list object. When you
> execute:
> L = []
> Python creates a name L which then points ("refers to") to a list
> object. When you next do this:
> L.append(L)
> Python doesn't move the list object into itself -- that would be a good
> trick. Besides, objects are big, complex chunks of memory and moving
> them around would be slow, so Python leaves the list where it is and
> simply places a pointer to L into the appropriate list position.
Makes sense, but I never thought of this as being possible, let alone
legal. Still, though I cannot imagine a situation where it would be
necessary, I am sure someone has used it somewhere. A very interesting
thing to think about; a single-element list holding... itself. Yep,
very interesting! Now I wish I were more of a sci fi buff. :)
> (But don't forget that Python is not necessarily written in C. There's
> Jython, written in Java, and CLPython written in Lisp, and many others.
> How they implement objects may be different. What happens under the
> hood isn't important, so long as the behaviour at the Python level
> remains the same.)
Really? Neat! I wonder what the advantage of doing that is, since the
end result, as you say, should be the same once you start writing
Python code?
> So at the Python level, there is never any copying of objects unless you
> specifically ask for it, and the * operator doesn't make any copies at
> all. It repeats the one object multiple times.
> --
> Steven D'Aprano
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
mehgcap at gmail.com; http://www.facebook.com/mehgcap

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