[Tutor] function with multiple checks

Tim Miller tim at lashni.net
Mon Sep 27 18:52:43 CEST 2010

> set does seem to have what you want: isdisjoint() could do the trick.
> Eg:
>      if set(punctuation).isdisjoint(password) or set(digits).isdisjoint(password) or set(ascii_uppercase).isdisjoint(password) or set(ascii_lowercase).isdisjoint(password):
>           return False
>      return True
> You could even confuse yourself and put it all on one line:
>        return not any(set(chars).isdisjoint(password) for chars in [punctuation, digits, ascii_uppercase, ascii_lowercase])
> but I wouldn't recomended it. I guess this can even shortened further.
> (note: the 'not' operator is needed, because isdisjoint returns True for what you probably prefer as False.)

Here I was thinking I'd read through set types thoroughly and now that 
you've pointed out isdisjoint it really jumps out describing exactly the 
usage I was looking for.


     Return True if the set has no elements in common with other. Sets 
are disjoint if and only if their intersection is the empty set.

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