[Tutor] tree problem

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sun Sep 12 22:10:26 CEST 2010

"Lie Ryan" <lie.1296 at gmail.com> wrote

> In this case, the only reason why you hit the recursion limit is if 
> you
> have a directory which is 1000 deep (quite unlikely, Windows has a
> directory depth limit much lower than that).

Or you accidentally have a recursive directory - one that contains a
shortcut to a folder higher up in the chain. These are easy to create
in Windows but nearly impossible tyo remove.

I have one such folder in my work PC(*) that I renamed to
"BAD FOLDER DO NOT USE" and have to remove from every
backup I ever make because it causees infinite looping.

(*) I will point out that I didn't create it - it was a malfunctioning
application that I was using in Beta... And if anyone knows how
to remove it I'd be very grateful!

Alan G.

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