[Tutor] IDE for Python

aug dawg augdawg09 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 8 03:01:59 CEST 2010

I like gedit alot. It has a nice amount of plugins, like a filebrowser and
various embedded terminals. Check it out. It's available for all platforms.
It's at gedit.org.

On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 7:42 PM, Mark Weil <mark at martialfit.net> wrote:

> There's also eric. It's geared towards pyqt slightly, but I do a lot of
> wxpython development in it as well.
> It's got project management and svn plugins, too.
> http://eric-ide.python-projects.org/
> On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 6:01 AM, Sayth Renshaw <flebber.crue at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Message: 5
>>> Date: Thu, 07 Oct 2010 20:08:10 +0200
>>> From: Knacktus <knacktus at googlemail.com>
>>> To: tutor at python.org
>>> Subject: Re: [Tutor] IDE for Python
>>> Message-ID: <4CAE0C8A.4040203 at googlemail.com>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>>> Am 07.10.2010 17:23, schrieb Juan Jose Del Toro:
>>> > Dear List;
>>> >
>>> > In your experience what is the best IDE for Python?
>>> >
>>> I'm using Wing IDE. Very good overall package. I like especially the
>>> debug probe, which is like an interactive shell in the current stack. To
>>> me it's a good balance between features and learning curve. The only
>>> thing I really miss is refactoring support.
>>> That's why I'm currently checking out PyCharm, which is about to be
>>> released (currently release candidate). It's from the company that
>>> created IntelliJ. PyCharm is in my opinion by far the most feature-rich
>>> Python IDE, looks very impressive so far. The only drawback is that it's
>>> written in Java and has a Swing GUI ;-) (ouuch, it hurts your eyes for a
>>> while but you get over it, once you discover all those wicked features
>>> ;-)). But Wing isn't excactly eye-candy either.
>>> Both are commercial, but if you code a lot it's worth it. Check out the
>>> offerings. (I think both are free for Open Source Projects.)
>>> I also tried the free PyDev (an Eclipse plugin), which is very complete
>>> as well, but I don't get along with the Eclipse world.
>>> So, check out Wing and PyCharm.
>>> Cheers,
>>> JJ
>>> ------------------------------
>> I really like Spe, Stani's Python editor found here
>> http://pythonide.blogspot.com/ .
>> It really manages to keep everything clear open and accessible whilst
>> still providing a tonne of features and support. There are some intro videos
>> avaiable here.
>> http://showmedo.com/videotutorials/series?name=PythonDevelopmentWithSPE .
>> I have never seen Pycharm as JJ suggested so am going to check it out, I
>> only recently installed Eclipse Helios with Aptana 3 which includes Pydev
>> and Django support so I can't really offer an indepth opinion but it is an
>> open source community with a lot of support which if you are learning am ide
>> as well as a language could prove very helpful. A lot of editors don't have
>> much in the way of documentation or community which I think is important.
>> Another verygood option I like and have used a lot is DrPython
>> http://drpython.sourceforge.net/.
>> Ultimately though for keep the ide learning curve low and providing power
>> I still go for Spe, if I had the money I would definitely look at wing ide.
>> Cheers
>> Sayth
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