[Tutor] age program

Andre Engels andreengels at gmail.com
Mon Nov 29 16:57:52 CET 2010

We will not make your homework for you. However, we may well give you hints
and perhaps solve small parts that you are unable to do yourself. For that,
however, we need to know *what* it is that you are having problems with.

Thus: You said that you have tried everything you can. What have you tried?
What part(s) of the problem are you able to solve? What part(s) of the
problem are you not able to solve?

On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 3:29 PM, Andre Jeyarajan
<andrejeyarajan at rogers.com>wrote:

> Write a short program that will perform the following:
> It will ask the user for his age,
> it will then present the user with a menu, with 4 choices:
>    1. Tell the user whether his age is an even or an odd number
>    2. Tell the user his age squared
>    3. Tell the user how many years until he’s 100 years old, or tell him
>    that he’s alerady over 100!  If the user is exactly 100 years old,
>    congratulate him for being a centurion.
> I have tried everything i can. Can you please explain it to me?
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André Engels, andreengels at gmail.com
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