[Tutor] Assistance with Psuedocode

Dave Angel davea at ieee.org
Thu Nov 18 03:22:02 CET 2010

On 2:59 PM, Joe Ohmer wrote:
> Hello,
> The following code works well but I don't understand why the mysteryEffect code block changes the picture.
> Doesn’t 64*(r/64) just equal r? (Same with g and b.) So this function should not change the picture at all. But it does! If anyone can explain how and why this actually changes the picture I would appreciate it greatly.
> <snip>
> #Adds a rainbow effect to the picture
> def mysteryEffect( pic2 ):
>    for px in getPixels( pic2 ):
>      r= getRed ( px )
>      g= getGreen( px )
>      b= getBlue( px )
>      setRed( px, 64*(r/64))
>      setGreen( px, 64*(g/64))
>      setBlue( px, 64*(b/64))
>    repaint( pic2 )
> Thanks,
> Joe
You didn't specify the python version.   But I'd guess you're using 2.x 
(as opposed to 3.x), where dividing integers gives an integer by 
default.  To quickly check, try
     print  25/9

and if you get 2, you'll see what I mean.  When you then multiply 2 by 
9, you get 18.


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