[Tutor] Reading the CDROM in Linux

Terry Carroll carroll at tjc.com
Fri Nov 5 22:42:37 CET 2010

I have a program that traverses the directory of a CDROM using os.walk. 
I do most of my work on Windows, but some on (Ubuntu) Linux, and I'd like 
this to work in both environments.

On Windows, I do something along the lines of this:

   for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk(startpoint):

What would I use for startpoint in Linux?  I've tried "/dev/sr0" and 
"/dev/sr0/"; neither work.  (If I recall correctly, the for-loop just 
drops through; I'm not at my Linux box right now to confirm.)

A number of other mount points (like /dev/cdrom, I think) are links to 
/dev/sr0; and don't work either.

It *does* work to start at "/media/VOLUMENAME", where VOLUMENAME is the 
volume ID of the disc; but my program will not know that.  I need to be 
able to do this without knowing the volume name.

Any ideas?

(I have a nagging suspicion the answer will be that it's not possible to 
do this in exactly teh same way, and that I'll need to somehow query what 
volume is mounted on /dev/sr0, and then use the /media/volumename 

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