[Tutor] SetTopWindow

Gary Koskenmaki garywk at cableone.net
Wed May 19 22:47:45 CEST 2010

I have what is a noob's confusion about this that will lead to bigger
problems for me later on if I don't clear it up.

In wxPython what a user normally refers to as a "window" is known as a
frame.  And what is known in wxPython as a window is an object such as a
TextCtrl object.  At least that is what I take from "wxPython in

Now, wxApp has a method called SetTopWindow and you normally pass your
wxframe object to it so that it knows what is to be top object. 

class MyApp(wx.App):

	def OnInit(self):
		frame = MyFrame(blah, blah, blah, blah)
		return True

class MyFrame(wx.Frame):

	def __init__(self, blah, blah, blah):
		wx.Frame.__init__(self, blah,blah,blah)

My question, and it's probably a stupid question, is why is
SetTopWindow, in how it is named, referring to a window object rather
than a frame object?  Isn't SetTopWindow saying which frame should be
the top frame object?  The naming of it seems really ambiguous to me.
Why isn't it named something like SetTopFrame?

What am I missing?  

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