[Tutor] Question about packaging with distutils (specifying metadata)

steve steve at lonetwin.net
Tue May 18 00:27:09 CEST 2010


I am preparing a package for distribution using distutils and when writing the 
setup.py, i want to specific meta-data like version, author, maintainer ...etc.

My question is, assuming that I already have all of that information in the 
package's __init__.py as __<meta-data>__ variables(*), is it considered good 
'style' to import the module one is packaging, in the setup.py to access these 
variables ?

- steve

(*) can't find a reference for doing this in the docs, but I think doing this is 
a pretty strong convention -- I've seen in most (all?) standard modules as well 
as third party modules do this.

random spiel: http://lonetwin.net/
what i'm stumbling into: http://lonetwin.stumbleupon.com/

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