[Tutor] Learning python using Michael Dawson's book

Peter cyclespoke at windstream.net
Mon May 17 15:08:38 CEST 2010

I am at the very beginning of learning Python. If anyone is familiar 
with Michael Dawson's book: "Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner"
The following script (according to the book) should create "block 
lettering" created by dashes and vertical lines. If I could show a 
picture of it I would. I do not get the same result as the book.
Thank you for any input.

The script goes like this:


#Game Over- Version 2
#Demonstrates the use of quotes in strings

print("Program 'Game Over' 2.0")

print("Same", "message", "as before")

         "a bit",

print("Here", end=" ")
print("it is...")


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