[Tutor] Newbie & Unittest ...

Damon Timm damontimm at gmail.com
Fri May 7 20:41:19 CEST 2010

Hello again everyone - and thanks for your responses.  Adding the
unittest method message was something I didn't realize I could do!

On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 10:20 PM, Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info> wrote:
> With respect to Lie, dynamically adding methods is an advanced technique
> that is overkill for what you seem to be doing, and the code he gave
> you can't work without major modification.

I think you make a good argument for simple testing ... and I already
fell victim to "It's working great!  My tests pass!" when in fact the
test wasn't working at all!

Here is what I ended up doing, and it (currently) runs 52 tests.

I'm not sure if it is worth the trade-off, but I think it saved me
some typing (and makes it easy to add another file or tag key/value

#!/usr/bin/env python
''' unit tests for tagging.py '''

import unittest

from mlc import filetypes

    ('title', 'Christmas Waltz'),
    ('artist', 'Damon Timm'),
    ('album', 'Homemade'),
    ('albumartist', 'Damon Timm'),
    ('compilation', False ),
    ('composer', 'Damon Timm'),
    ('date', '2005'),
    ('description', 'For more music, visit: damonjustisntfunny.com'),
    ('discnumber', 1),
    ('disctotal', 1),
    ('genre', 'Folk'),
    ('tracknumber', 1),
    ('tracktotal', 10),
    filetypes.FLACFile('data/lossless/01 - Christmas Waltz.flac'),
    filetypes.MP3File('data/lossy/04 - Christmas Waltz (MP3-79).mp3'),
    filetypes.OGGFile('data/lossy/01 - Christmas Waltz (OGG-77).ogg'),
    filetypes.MP4File('data/lossy/06 - Christmas Waltz (M4A-64).m4a'),

class TestTagOutput(unittest.TestCase):

def add_assert_equal(cls, test_name, value1, value2):
    new_test = lambda self: self.assertEqual(value1, value2)
    new_test.__doc__ = test_name
    setattr(cls, test_name, new_test)

for file in FILES:
    for key, value in TAG_VALUES:
        test_name = 'test_' + file.exts[0] + '_' + key # test_ext_key
        add_assert_equal(TestFileTags, test_name, file.tags[key], value)

if __name__ == '__main__':

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