[Tutor] Movement controls useing pygame

mark-ireland at msn.com mark-ireland at msn.com
Fri Mar 19 01:45:21 CET 2010

A little stuck and could do with any sudjestions.

When the character goes past the middle of the screen, the background & level move downwards so the character can get to higher places, think sonic the hedgehog.

This is the bit I'm having problems with, I can get the character to get to the center, the background moves up & down but the character won't go back down when the level returns to normal height.

    if bkGroundRect['rect'].top < 0 and charRect['rect'].top < winCenterRect.top:
        bkGroundRect['rect'].top += spY
        platRect['rect'].top += spY
        jumpRect.top += spY
        charRect['dir'] = STOP

    if levelRect['rect'].bottom > winHeight and charRect['rect'].centery == winCenterx:
            bkGroundRect['rect'].bottom -= spY
            platRect['rect'].bottom -= spY
#            jumpRect.bottom -= spY
            charRect['dir'] = STOP

  #--this won't execute ? --#       
    if levelRect['rect'].bottom <= winHeight:
        if charRect['rect'].centery >= winCenterx and charRect['rect'].centerx < jumpRect.centerx:
            charRect['dir'] = DOWN

I've included the whole code as a note pad so the above makes more sense, don't worry about all the comments, that's just for my convenience.

Thanks guys


'knight meets wall, wall won't let knight pass, knight says 'neh'

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