[Tutor] First program

Ray Parrish crp at cmc.net
Sat Mar 13 18:52:04 CET 2010

Alan Gauld wrote:
> "Ray Parrish" <crp at cmc.net> wrote
>>>     print "A %s with dimensions %sx%s has an area of %s." % (choice, 
>>> height, width, width*height)
>> Isn't it a little more understandable to use a construct like the 
>> following?
>>>>> print "The area of a " + Choice + "is " str(Width) + " x " + 
>> str(Height) + " equals " + str(Width * Height) + " square feet"
> It depends on where you come from.
> Those of us brought up on C or COBOL are used to separating the 
> presentation from the data. Those brought up with PASCAL and BASIC are 
> used to iterleaving data with presentation.
> One thing - you don't need all the str() calls in your example, print 
> already calls str() for you. Also comma separators are better than + 
> signs since the plus operation on strings is quite expensive - you 
> create a new string for each addition.
> HTH,
Thanks for the tips. If I understand you correctly I can do the call 
this way? -

     print "The area of ", Choice, " is ", Width, " x ", Height, " 
equals ", (Width * Height), " square feet"

That eliminates the redundancy, and is quite readable to me. I like it. 8-)

Later, Ray Parrish

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