[Tutor] Structuring a class

Lang Hurst lang at tharin.com
Tue Jun 15 02:08:38 CEST 2010

I'm trying to figure out how to deal with data which will look something 

    Student:Bob Hurley
    ID: 123456
    Grad_class: 2012
       Algebra C (20P)
             Chapter 1
                  Date: September 14, 2010
                  Grade: 87
                  Notes: Probably cheated on final.  Really watch on 
next quiz/test.
             Chapter 2
                  Date: October 31, 2010
                  .   **and so on**
       Consumer Math (24G)
             Module 2
                  .   **more information like above**

So, I just figured that I would have a couple of nested dictionaries.

    bob = Student('123456','Bob Hurley')
    bob.period = 4
    bob.grad_class = 2010
    bob['credits']['Algebra C (20P)']={'Chapter 1':{'Date':'September 
12, 2010', 'Grade':'87', **and so on**}}

This works, for the most part, from the command line.  So I decided to 
set up a class and see if I could work it from that standpoint (I'm 
doing this to scratch an itch, and try to learn).  My preliminary class 
looks like:

    class Student:
        def __init__(self, ident=' ', name=' ', period=' ', grad_class=' 
', subject=' ', notes=' ', credit=' '):
            self.name = name
            self.ident = ident
            self.period = period
            self.notes = notes
            self.grad_class = grad_class
     #      self.credit = {{}}    <--- BAD
            self.credit = {}

I'm sure that someone will enlighten me as to where my poor coding 
skills are especially weak.  It's the last line there (self.credit...) 
which I can't figure out.  The credits may be in any of about 30 
different subjects (teaching at a continuation high school makes for 
interesting times).

If I don't set it to anything, ie, like it is, I get an error

    Stud instance has no attribute '__getitem__'

If I try to leave it available for adding to somewhat dynamically, I get 
a 'wtf' from python.

Sorry for the novel, I'm just wondering if someone would set me 
straight.  Should I even use a class?  If so, how do I set up a class 
item which let's me add dictionaries to it?  Thanks.


There are no stupid questions, just stupid people.

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