[Tutor] Python - RPG Combat System

Jason MacFiggen jmacfiggen at gmail.com
Sat Jul 31 04:49:36 CEST 2010

I am have trouble figuring out how to make my program stop at 0 hit
points.... if I run it, it always goes into the negative hitpoints...

So my question is how do I make this program end at exactly 0 hit points
every time instead of going over?

and also, what can I do instead of writing print so many times?

import random
    my_hp = 50
    mo_hp = 50
    my_dmg = random.randrange(1, 20)
    mo_dmg = random.randrange(1, 20)
    while True:
        if mo_hp < 0:
            print "The Lich King has been slain!"
        elif my_hp < 0:
            print "You have been slain by the Lich King!"
        if mo_hp <= 0:
        elif my_hp <= 0:
            print "Menu Selections: "
            print "1 - Attack"
            print "2 - Defend"
            choice = input ("Enter your selection. ")
            choice = float(choice)
        if choice == 1:
            mo_hp = mo_hp - my_dmg
            print "The Lich King is at ", mo_hp, "Hit Points"
            print "You did ", my_dmg, "damage!"
            my_hp = my_hp - mo_dmg
            print "I was attacked by the lk for ", mo_dmg," damage!"
            print "My Hit Points are ", my_hp
        elif choice == 2:
            mo_hp = mo_hp - my_dmg / 2
            print "The Lich King is at", mo_hp, "Hit Points"
            print "you did ", my_dmg / 2, "damage!"
            my_hp = my_hp - mo_dmg
            print "I was attacked by the lk for ", mo_dmg," damage!"
            print "My Hit Points are ", my_hp
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