[Tutor] Global name not found, though clearly in use

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Wed Jul 14 19:13:21 CEST 2010

"Corey Richardson" <kb1pkl at aim.com> wrote

> defined the variable, I would understand, but I haven't. The 
> entirety of
> my (incomplete and buggy) code is now available here:
> http://pastebin.com/QTNmKYC6

There are quite a few errors here, one is that many of your class's 
don't have self as their first parameter, rendering them pretty 
Also you do not create an instance of the class Hangman anywhere.

The only access of eWordEntryBox seems to be in the getletter()
function (one of those weith no self). But that should only cause
an error when called...which it never is.

Are you sure thats the code that is creating the error message?

Alan G. 

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