[Tutor] Path?

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at comcast.net
Wed Jul 14 00:27:32 CEST 2010

Adam Bark wrote:
> On 13 July 2010 14:43, Jim Byrnes<jf_byrnes at comcast.net>  wrote:
>> Steven D'Aprano wrote:
>> My apologizes to Steven and the list, when I replied originally I messed up
>> and sent it to him privately which was not my intention.
>>> On Mon, 12 Jul 2010 03:42:28 am Jim Byrnes wrote:
>>>> I am running Ubuntu.  I downloaded the source code examples for a
>>>> book I purchased.  Some of the examples load image files located in
>>>> the same directory as the program.  If I go to the current directory
>>>> in the terminal the program can use the image files.  However, if I
>>>> use a launcher or the filemanager it pops up an error dialog saying
>>>> the file does not exist even though it is in the same directory.
>>>> The program simply uses the files name.  Is there a way without
>>>> editing the source and inserting the full path to run the program
>>>> from a launcher or the filemanager and allow it to see files in the
>>>> current directory?
>>> What file manager are you using? Nautilus? Konqueror? Something else?
>> Nautilus. I have it configured to run files with the extension .py when
>> they are double clicked.
>>> What do you mean, "use a launcher"? Use a launcher to do what? What sort
>>> of launcher?
>> It runs programs and sits on the panel at the top of my Ubuntu desktop.
>>   The command it uses is usr/bin/python2.6.  These are wxPython examples I am
>> working with.
>>> What pops up an error dialog? The launcher?
>> I am assuming Python. The title bar of the dialog says Python2 Error, the
>> message is   Can't load image from file 'wxPython.jpg': file does not exist.
>>> Which file does it claim doesn't exist? Python? The Python script? The
>>> image file? What is the exact error message it gives?
>> See above.  The line that triggers the error is:  image =
>> wx.Image('wxPython.jpg', wx.BITMAP_TYPE_JPEG)
>>> There's probably a way to tell the launcher which working directory to
>>> use, but of course that depends on the answers to the above questions.
>> If I use the terminal to start the program it has no problem using the
>> file.  There are multiple files in multiple directories so I was looking for
>> a way to just double click them and have them run.  If it turns out that I
>> must make changes to or for each of the files it will be easier to just keep
>> using the terminal.  I've only been using Ubuntu for a few months so I was
>> surprised that the program could not see a file that is in the same
>> directory.
>> Regards,  Jim
> The problem is ubuntu doesn't run the script from the directory it's in so
> it's looking for wxPython.jpg somewhere else.

OK, I mistakenly thought that double-clicking on file in Nautilus would 
take care of the path info.

In my reply above I also mentioned that I tried by dropping it on a 
Launcher on the top panel and that the command the launcher uses is 
usr/bin/python2.6.  Is there a way that the command can be changed so 
that it will look in the same directory the python script is in for any 
file it needs?

Thanks,  Jim

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