[Tutor] newbie to gui programming

Payal payal-python at scriptkitchen.com
Tue Jul 6 19:09:35 CEST 2010

Hi all,
Some background before the actual query.
A friend of mine, an electronics engineer has a
small co. He had a computer engg. with him who used to design GUI
for his products in Visual Basic. These apps used to take data from
serial port, store it on disk put and show it in excel also plot graphs. 
Now the engg has left. So my friend has asked me to help him out till 
he finds a replacement. I don't know a word of electronics and know Python to
extend of understanding almost 90% of "Learning Python" and 70-75% of
"Core Python programming" books.
Now my real query, do you think it is possible for me to try my hand at
gui programming? There seems to be many ways to do gui programming in
Python namely wxpython, tkinter, gtk, qt etc. Which is the easiest and
nice looking one and works on both windows and Linux? The interfaces
will be used by other electronics enggs. so they do not expect real
swell gui, but it should be bearable and more importantly easy for me to
learn, cos' I have a day time job and I am doing this just as a help and
eagerness to learn.
Looking  for advice.

Thanks a lot.
With warm regards,

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