[Tutor] Sorting the Dictionary Set?

Ken G. beachkid at insightbb.com
Tue Jul 6 16:38:55 CEST 2010

Is there a way to sort a dictionary?

Assuming I have a dictionary set containing the following:

{'02': 1, '03': 1, '12': 1, '15': 2, '14': 2, '04': 3, '05': 1, '19': 1, 
'32': 1, '28': 1, '27': 1, '17': 2, '25': 1}

and using the following code:

     print ('Printing the result of numbers that are repeated:')
     for x, y in counted.items():
         if y > 1:
             print "Number %s was found %s times." % (x,y)
         # else:
             # print "Number %s was found %s times." % (x,y)

and the result are:

     Printing the result of numbers that are repeated:

     Number 15 was found 2 times.
     Number 14 was found 2 times.
     Number 04 was found 3 times.
     Number 17 was found 2 times.

and the question is:

How do I sort the dictionary so the numbers listed (15, 14, 04, 17) are 
listed in sorted ascending order such as:

Number 04 was found 3 times.
     Number 14 was found 2 times.
     Number 15 was found 2 times.
     Number 17 was found 2 times.

I would appreciate any help, suggestion or hint on how to do achieved 
the desired result.



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