[Tutor] Fw: Future of Python Programmers

ALAN GAULD alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sun Jan 31 17:31:13 CET 2010

Forwarding since I assume this was meant to go 
to either the list or the OP, rather than 
just me...

 Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn To Program website

>----- Forwarded Message ----
>From: Samuel de Champlain <samueldechamplain at gmail.com>
>To: Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at btinternet.com>
>Sent: Sunday, 31 January, 2010 14:40:36
>Subject: Re: [Tutor] Future of Python Programmers
>In order to get faster programs, you have to become more machine specific. If you want your program to work on several machines, you must include more code for each possible machine architecture. Python and java try to realise the old dream of coding once and running everywhere, therefore they have to be slower in execution, but with the speed of modern machines, this becomes less important. 
>>However, they are fantastic rad (rapid application development) languages. Time to market and therefore cost is greatly reduced and that is the main reason they are widely used. Try debugging c and you will learn to appreciate garbage collectors and the lack of pointer headaches in python.
>>But that is just one person's opinion.
>On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 4:26 AM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at btinternet.com> wrote:
>>>>"nikunj badjatya" <nikunjbadjatya at gmail.com> wrote
>>>>>I have one important question to ask to all of you,
>>>>>>I am a fresher, recently completed my graduation, had started working on
>>>>>>python 2 months back..!! and I just fell in love with the language.
>>>>>>The only concern is there arent enough companies which work on Python.
>>>>How many companies do you need?
>>>>One is enough if you fork for that one...
>>>>>Is there any chance where the development of Python will make it as fast as
>>>>>>C++ or JAVA, (or it is at its optimum level? ) .
>>>>No, just as there is no chance that Java will ever be as fast
>>>>as C++ or C++ as fast as C or C as fast as assembler.
>>>>You can construct test cases where they approach each other
>>>>but raw speed is related to how  close you can get to the machine.
>>>>The trade off is that raw speed requires guru level skill and a lot of
>>>>development time. So if you measure speed in terms of productivity
>>>>Python is already faster than Java!
>>>>But your concerms are misplaced.
>>>>All programming languages (except perhaps COBOL and FORTRAN)
>>>>come and go. When I left university (mid 1980's) everyone was using
>>>>Pascal and C. ADA and Prolog were the forecast kings of the block
>>>>and a few people were playing with Smalltalk.Then Windows came out
>>>>and C++ suddenly took over. Then it was Java.Then scripting languages
>>>>became poular. I don;t know what we will be using in 20 years time but
>>>>it probavbly won't be Java or C++ or even Python.Get used to it, as a
>>>>professional you will learn and use many languages (I know over 20 that
>>>>I've used in real projects, and probavbly another dozen that I studied
>>>>just for the knowledge they gave). Languages are just not that important.
>>>>Stop fiocussing on languages, start to focus on the deeper
>>>>fundamentals of programming. Design, architecture, state, data
>>>>structures, logic coupling, cohesion, concurrency etc
>>>>These things do not change.
>>>>Alan Gauld
>>>>Author of the Learn to Program web site
>>>>Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at python.org
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