[Tutor] Future of Python Programmers

nikunj badjatya nikunjbadjatya at gmail.com
Sat Jan 30 20:15:36 CET 2010

Dear all PyPers,
I have one important question to ask to all of you,
I am a fresher, recently completed my graduation, had started working on
python 2 months back..!! and I just fell in love with the language. I want
to learn more about it.
The only concern is there arent enough companies which work on Python. (
Kindly correct if I am wrong?? )
and also kindly tell me the core application areas of the language, ( Is
there any where Python is dominating compared to other languages? )
I followed up a link ( http://www.dmh2000.com/cjpr/ ) which nicely
illustrates difference between many languages.
Is there any chance where the development of Python will make it as fast as
C++ or JAVA, (or it is at its optimum level? ) .

P.S. I have recently joined the group, dont know if similar discussions held
       I dont know if this is the right way to ask these type of questions .


Nikunj Badjatya
Bangalore, India
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