[Tutor] sqlite query problem

Hugo Arts hugo.yoshi at gmail.com
Fri Jan 29 17:53:52 CET 2010

2010/1/29 BOBÁK Szabolcs <szabolcs.bobak at gmail.com>:
> This also works, but this not:
> sql_command_stat = 'SELECT COUNT(lastmoddate) FROM
> '+sql_tablename_orig+'WHERE lastmoddate < '+str(lastmod_date1)
> sql_cursor.execute(sql_command_stat)
> This was my original try, but tried various in various formula.
> sql_command_stat = 'SELECT COUNT(lastmoddate) FROM
> '+sql_tablename_orig+'WHERE lastmoddate < %d'
> sql_cursor.execute(sql_command_stat, %lastmod_date1)
> sql_command_stat = 'SELECT COUNT(lastmoddate) FROM
> '+sql_tablename_orig+'WHERE lastmoddate < (?)'
> sql_cursor.execute(sql_command_stat, (lastmod_date1))
> But always the same error message:
> sqlite3.OperationalError: near "<": syntax error
> File "C:\python\stat.py", line 42, in <module>
> sql_cursor.execute(sql_command_stat)
> From the three attempt I concluded that it's the same if I pass the variable
> value as a string or an integer (maybe I am wrong).

Your error isn't where you expect it to be. Let's take a look at the
string you're actually passing:

>>> sql_tablename_orig = 'pyfilestat_drive_e_2010_01_27_16_48_31'
>>> sql_command_stat = 'SELECT COUNT(lastmoddate) FROM '+sql_tablename_orig+'WHERE lastmoddate < %d'
>>> sql_command_stat
'SELECT COUNT(lastmoddate) FROM
pyfilestat_drive_e_2010_01_27_16_48_31WHERE lastmoddate < %d'

well, hello. we seem to be having a missing space, right in between
the table name and 'WHERE.'

Also, you should use the third form, using the parameters argument of
execute(). it's the only secure one.


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