[Tutor] Array slices in python with negative step

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Mon Jan 11 20:46:09 CET 2010

"vishwajeet singh" <dextrous85 at gmail.com> wrote

> Thanks for your response but I am still not clear; can you show me the
> equivalent of [::-1]  in terms actually specifying start-index, end-index
> which gives me reverse of the given arrary.

I don't think you can, you must use the empty value.

In theory you could use -1 except of course -1 refers to the 'e'...

Its a slight anomoly due to the use of negative indexing. You
can do:


and get the same as [0:]

But you cannot put any valid value for x in

'abcde[4 : x :-1]

that gets you the full string. You need to use [4::-1]


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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