[Tutor] Strange list behaviour in classes

ALAN GAULD alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Thu Feb 25 09:25:31 CET 2010

One point:

class Statistics:
def __init__(self, *value_list):
>self.value = value_list
>self.square_list= []
>def mean(self, *value_list):
>try :
>ave = sum(self.value) / len(self.value)
>except ZeroDivisionError:
>ave = 0
>return ave
You don't use value_list here you use self.value. So you don't need value_list

def median(self, *value_list):
>if len(self.value) <= 2:
>n = self.mean(self.value)
>elif len(self.value) % 2 == 1:
>m = (len(self.value) - 1)/2
>n = self.value[m+1]
>m = len(self.value) / 2
>m = int(m)
>n = (self.value[m-1] + self.value[m]) / 2
>return n
Same here...
def variance(self, *value_list):
>average = self.mean(*self.value)
>for n in range(len(self.value)):
>square = (self.value[n] - average)**2
>var = sum(self.square_list) / len(self.square_list)
>except ZeroDivisionError:
>var = 0
>return var
And here...

def stdev(self, *value_list):
>var = self.variance(*self.value)
>sdev = var**(1/2)
>return sdev
And here... 
def zscore(self, x, *value_list):
>average = self.mean(self.value)
>sdev = self.stdev(self.value)
>z = (x - average) / sdev
>except ZeroDivisionError:
>z = 0
>return z
And here....

a = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
>stats = Statistics(*a)
>So you need the *a here

mean = stats.mean(*a)
>median = stats.median(*a)
>var = stats.variance(*a)
>stdev = stats.stdev(*a)
>z = stats.zscore(5, *a)
>But you don't need to pass in *a in any of these calls.
Its already stored in the object.

Also instead of returning these values (or as well as)
you could have stored them as variables inside the 

print(mean, median, var, stdev, z)
>In which case this would become

print(self.theMean,self.theMedian, etc...)

Just an alternative for consideration.

Alan G.
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