[Tutor] help with random.randint

David ldl08 at gmx.net
Wed Feb 3 04:21:56 CET 2010

Hello list,

I thought this was easy even for me, but I was wrong, I guess.
Here is what I want to do: take two random numbers between 1 and 99, and 
put them into a list.

import random
terms =  []
for i in range(2):
	terms = random.randint(1, 99)
print terms

This prints just one number (the last one generated in the loop?)

So I tried to change line 4 to the following:
	terms += random.randint(1, 99)
hoping that it would add a second integer to my terms list. But I get an 

/home/david/Documents/Python-Projekt/multiplier.py in <module>()
       2 terms =  []
       3 for i in range(2):
----> 4         terms += random.randint(1, 99)
       5 print terms

TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable
WARNING: Failure executing file: <multiplier.py>

I understand this error thus: once an int has been placed into the list 
terms, no further int can be added. But: terms is a mutable list, and 
NOT an 'int' object!

So here are my questions: what is the problem, and how can I generate 
two random numbers and store them (preferably in a tuple)?

Many thanks,


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