[Tutor] Python using version 3.1

Lea Parker lea-parker at bigpond.com
Sun Dec 19 04:42:08 CET 2010


I am working through a purchased text book Python programming for beginners.
Chapter two shows how to create a basic program using triple-quoted strings.

I am having problems working out what I have done incorrectly. The game over
block writing should stay on the same line but the bottom half of the word
over comes up next to the top half of the word over. Hope that makes sense.

My code is as follows:

# Game Over - Version 2
# Demonstrates the use of quotes in strings

print("Program 'Game Over' 2.0")

print("Same", "message", "as before")

      "a bit",

print("Here", end=" ")

print("it is...")


        _____       ____       __  __    _____
       / ____|     /    |     /  |/   | |  ___|
       | |        / / | |    / /|   / | | |__
       | |  _    / ____ |   / / |__/| | |  __|
       | |_| |  / /   | |  / /      | | | |___
       \_____/ /_/    |_| /_/       |_| |_____|

        ____   _      _  _____   _____
       / __ \ | |   / / |  ___| |  _  \
       ||  || | |  / /  | |__   | |_| |
       ||  || | | / /   |  __|  |  _  /
       ||__|| | |/ /    | |___  | |  \ \
       \____/ |___/     |_____| |_|   \_\

input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.") 

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