[Tutor] calling a method within a function

Adam Bark adam.jtm30 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 8 00:06:53 CET 2010

On 07/12/10 22:36, John wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a strange problem with a piece of code I've written. It's a bit
> overly complicated to make an example with, but the gist is below. But
> in the example below, it works. However, in my example, when I call
> the method from within the function, it returns something other than
> what I expect. If I call the method outside the function, it behaves
> properly???
It's hard to tell, from an example that doesn't display the same 
behaviour, what the problem is but it sounds like there must be some 
problem with the way you're calling the method from your function that 
isn't happening otherwise. Can you post the full source somewhere and 
mail a link to the mailing list?

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